Industrial Use Case On Automation Using Ansible
Hello Guys!!
Today I am here to share what I learnt in the session with two best industry expert Mr. Sreejith Anujan & Mr. Arun Eapen.
The session was on the Automation Using Ansible — Demo (Practical Implementation)
He is Director, APAC Service Delivery, GLS RedHat Asia Pacific.
▪️ Specialist :- Linux and Security 🔐
▪️ The First RHC*(RHCA, RHCSS, RHCDS, RHCVA) in India.
▪️ Founding member of the Free Software Foundation India.
▪️ Being in open source software for more than 24 years.
He is Lead Technical Instructor, Red Hat.
▪️ Primarily responsible for empowering Red Hat customers with tailor-made enablement services.
▪ ️Also heading the designing and delivering high-quality content on integrated solutions and trusted partners across APAC, ANZ, and APJ.
▪️ Connected with RedHat for around 12+ years.
▪️ He was a Speaker in 2018 where he had discussed Linux Container Internals
I learnt a lot from this session. It helped me in every way possible it could.
👉🏻 What is automation?
Automation means to reduce manual work for smooth and fast process. We use automation in most of the fields as delivery task, development tasks etc.
👉🏻In what ways we can use automation?
We can use automation in most of the fields such as Deployment, Integration, Delivery, Orchestration, Provising etc.
Provisioning is all about heavy lifting, whether on bare metal or in a private, hybrid or public cloud. In order to run business systems, you need infrastructure and that infrastructure must be set up. What used to be all about racks, boxes, and cables in a datacenter is now (mostly) all about virtualized assets, from software-defined datacenters, networks, and storage to virtual machines and containers.
Chances are, you’re not deploying a single service on a single machine. Your IT is probably a little more complex than that. It requires managing and servicing multiple apps across multiple datacenters and infrastructures.
👉🏻Why scaling is needed ?
Scaling is the process to provide Ansible with high availability resources to avoid the SPOF (Single Point of Failure).
Most of the times, your dataset will contain features highly varying in magnitudes, units and range. But since, most of the machine learning algorithms use Euclidean distance between two data points in their computations, this is a problem. The results would vary greatly between different units. The features with high magnitudes will weigh in a lot more in the distance calculations than features with low magnitudes. To suppress this effect, we need to bring all features to the same level of magnitudes. This can be achieved by scaling.
👉🏻What challenges we can solve using Ansible Tower ?
With the help of Ansible Tower we can solves multiple use-cases like CI/CD with Workflow, Integrates SCM with Webbooks, Manage credential, Scaling and High Availability, Notifications etc.
👉🏻What is Job Template in Ansible Tower ?
A job template is a definition and set of parameters for running an Ansible job. Job templates are useful to execute the same job many times.
The Jobs link displays a list of jobs and their statuses–shown as completed successfully or failed, or as an active (running) job. The default view is collapsed (Compact) with the job ID, job name, and job type, but you can expand to see more information.
👉🏻How can we use credentials in Ansible Tower?
Credentials is like a database about all your passwords, keys authenticating things which Ansible Tower needs while performing tasks. You can give them while you are creating Job Template.
👉🏻How can we integrate Ansible Tower with Cloud & Notification based Applications ?
We integrate Ansible Tower with Cloud & Notification based Applications with the help of api. We can create a virtual environment for the particular service and create templates. We need to give the login credentials so that we can use the services.
Thanks for Reading!!🙌🏻